In the tradition of anonymous nature of blogging, have tried to use as few names as possible. Of course I kind of ruined that when I named it after myself (in response to the first rule of blogging, "Be as self-centered as possible").
That being said, I did blatantly steal from "The Sports Guy," Bill Simmons, when I started calling my girlfriend, WND Gal (for What's Next Dave Gal). He for a long time referenced to his girlfriend (and future wife) as "The Sports Gal." Eventually he let her write little blurbs in his column.
There has been some rumblings in the lurking world about what does WND Gal mean, and why don't I just use her name, is he embarrassed by her, why does he write that stupid blog anyway, etc, etc, etc...
Since WND Gal has been so patient with me, between my working, working out, and blogging (which she is learning to really not like), I decided I would devote a whole entry to her so you all get to know her a little better.
As you can see from the photo above, she is a very good sport (and damn good lookin' in a poncho). She is the only women I found that can deal with me 85.7% of the time. For example the photo above was taken opening day. She pinky swore "on our relationship" that she would not complain about the weather, and she more than held her end of the bargain.
I on the other hand, did not make such an agreement and complained about the weather for a good hour or two (read: until I downed my first 2 beers). I digress...
WND Gal is fun, witty, and a perfect companion for me. She both my teammate and my partner in crime. That is why I am renaming her in the blog... she will no long be known as WND Gal... from now on she will be known the blogging community as the What's Next Dave Gal!
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