Tuesday, May 27, 2008

OK, OK, Her Name is Melissa

Driving back from Traverse City on Monday, the girlfriend formerly known as WND Gal (see this post for why she was cool enough to actually get a pseudonym in the first place) made her last ditch effort to get her name changed on the blog. [This dialogue may be slightly paraphrased, I can't remember word-for-word the conversation.]

"Seriously, will you please just call me by my name. Everyone knows it's me anyway."

"Sugar plum, you just don't understand how blogs work. It is very important that remains anonymous, otherwise I loose all of my web-cred."

"You have web-cred?"

"Sure I do lovie-dovie. My millions of readers from India to Marion, IA will no longer think of me as a ‘cool’ blogger. I will just be another guy who posts his photos of his vacations for his family to see."

"I thought you said no one reads your blog but my mom and your two friends from college. Plus, we don't get vacations; we just go to your races."

"Races in exotic places."

"Like Des Moines?"

"Yes, and Chicago, and Traverse City, and Colorado Springs!"

"We live in Chicago. Anyway, everyone else in your blog get to use their name."

"They are not as important of characters as you are, my sweet pretty princess."

"You mention how Kevin beats you in every race. He is in like every blog entry. And who really wants to hear any more about Charlie?"

"Yeah, but WND Brother-in-law just doesn't have a ring to it."

At the end of the day, I just ran out of good arguments. Therefore, WND Gal is, and will be referenced to in the future as, Melissa, my much, much better (and smarter) half.


Kevin Browning said...

While I'll be sad to see the WND gal moniker go, Dave takes one more step towards understanding how relationships really work. (And I suppose I wouldn't want to be called WND-BIL after all)

Anonymous said...

I don't believe in this "charlie"

Anonymous said...

Hooray!! Melissa gets her name on the blog!!