Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Update: Flooding Will Move Hy-Vee Triathlon, Dry for Age Groupers

They have announced that the Hy-Vee Triathlon has been changed to a duathlon for age groupers.  They are going to run a 10k Run, 40k Bike, and a 5k Run.  Sounds like they want to keep it a triathlon for the elite athletes, but they are still looking for a place to swim.  

They have changed the location of the transition area to the Valley Southwoods Freshmen High School in West Des Moines.  With the location so far from downtown Des Moines, it sounds like it will be entirely in West Des Moines.

Here are the sources:
  • The Des Moines Register has a story on the tri.
  • KCCI, a news station, also has a story on it.  Click here for the whole story.  They note that they new course will be announced Friday.
I know the race directors are doing the best they can, and making decisions best for the athletes.  I also know there are people who are having big losses due to these floods.  All that said, I can't help but be a little disappointed. I have been really working on my swimming for months now. I have taken lessons, spent hours in the pool, I even went in the 60 degree lake tonight.

Truth be told, I wasn't sure if I was really ready for the 1500m swim yet, but I wanted to give it a shot.   I know I can finish it, but I wanted to do it comfortably, and to really cut some time off of my last year's finish. 

Now I am not sure what I should do. I would like to sign up for another triathlon, but my summer schedule is so full, and I really need to switch my training to focus on the Pikes Peak Ascent. I am going to talk to Melissa, look at the schedule, and figure out what's best.

For more updates, click here for the blog main page. 

1 comment:

K.Michele said...

You should try to find a new race or maybe just an OWS, but on the bright side, I feel like you are going to do awesome at the du ... talk about playing up your strengths!