Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hey Matt Damon, You Suck

Matt Damon, Mr. "Sexiest Man Alive," cool of you to surprise everyone at the Miami triathlon. I am glad you are supporting our sport.  It's cool that you are a role model for keeping America active.

But you only RAN?  You wimp.

What was that J-Lo? Yes, you did show up Jason Bourne by doing all three parts of your tri.

But Will from Good Will Hunting, you must have run fast right? Nope. 

59 min 10k is not blazing speed. It's almost an Ocean's 10 minute mile.

OK, I will cut you some slack. It was your first race. Next time you want to really give a go, drop me a line. I will even let you draft off me... if you can stay up.

  • By the way, did you know he was a "Red Sox Fan" (an extra) in Field of Dreams? I have watched that movie a thousand times, never noticed. Now I get to watch it again.
  • But not until I am over baseball season. It will be a while.
  • UPDATE:  Matt Damon emailed me.  He didn't really believe that J-lo finish the whole tri herself. Well Matt, here you go.  I just report what I read on reputable websites like People.


Sara said...

glad to see you back and blogging again. Give us an update...what's been going on?

Jamie said...

Thanks for stopping by. I'm not over baseball season either...It will definitely be a long time.