Never have I seen an effort equal in magnitude. In the end the cold did him in, and the decision was an easy one to make.
Months ago, Charlie and I had a quick discussion about why we do the things we do. Why do we choose hobbies that are aspirational in nature? Why do we pick big dreams that sometimes we dominate and sometime dominate us. Because in the end, we don't always want to win.
The answer to why we do it, why he jumped in cold water under cloudy skies at 9:30 this morning, is we want to see how far we can push the limit of human endurance. Charlie found it today. And he will go looking for it again.
And that's why he is my best friend. And I am lucky to know him. A true American Hero.
Just so you can breath deeply. Chuck is sitting next to me, laughing and doing fine. His temp is now above 95 again (it was under 92 two hours after we pulled him out).
Thanks so much for the updates. I am glad he is safe. And thanks for the picture.
... and he will find that he will be able to expand his limits...
Liked your post very much, here one of my favourite poems when outer victory was not to be had (and even in the case of socalled success!):
"The determination in your heroic effort will permeate your mind and heart even after your success or failure is long forgotten." - Sri Chinmoy
Great effort!
Kind regards
Please tell Charlie that I am continually amazed by him. It is awesome to live vicariously through him and his awesome accomplishments.
We've been following along on the days adventures from Colorado... Sounds cold! Tell Charlie we are proud of him and he is welcome to borrow some of our body fat for next year's swim. Hello to Mel, Cate, James, and the entire Wittmack team... Mad love from Shea, Kev, & the Hyphens.
Charlie followed his dream and his friend, Dave, was there to be there for him whatever the outcome. We are glad you continue on as good friends in good times and bad. We know Charlie will find other dreams and maybe even go back someday to renew this one.
God bless you all in England,
Mo and Coach
Thanks for the update Dave...can't wait to sit and chat with you and Chuck about this experience. When are you coming back?
Go Cubs!
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